Thursday, July 8, 2010


Tuesday, November 25, 2008 at 2:58pm

T-ime to be together, to remember, to thank the many joys and blessings:

H-arvest, home, hearth, holiday, health, hope, and heart.

A-utumn stands agape at nature's art that gives abundance in the heart.

N-ature's beauty and delight give guidance and care to

K-indred and kith in the kitchen, cooked with love--a

S-pecial season of sizzled stillness in spirit--spicy fragrances revealed in smiled

G-ratitude for the gathering of family and friends, never forgetting the

I-nheritance divine we share; that clear

V-ision of devoted faith held so dear. The raining rhythms of the festive air are

I-dea seeds to reap focused wisdom of humble thanks for our bounty.

N-ow is the time to be on a lookout for moment joy in each hour by

G-iving thankful grace like water in a calm lake, reflecting the vast endless sky.


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